Angel Fund Launchpad

Guided program for Fund Managers, VCs, Angel Investors, Portfolio Managers and Family Offices to open their angel fund in a global community.


How it works


Setup and kick-off your Angel Fund in less than 3 months


Validated model for Legal Framework, Economic Framework and international experts support


Get 10% of the fund size and 15% of The Gains

Our Graduated Participants

See what our current fund leaders have to say about the program.

Program Requirements


Co-leaders applying to be eligible to enrol in the program

1 leader with startup investment experience, in charge of bringing and managing angel investors in the fund

1 leader in charge of scouting and screening startups for the fund and managing the portfolio

Program Fees


*per person
Enrolment in the 1st part of program once you are approved


*per team
Enrolment in the 2nd part once team and thesis are approved

Program Calendar

Cohort 12
September - October
Sep 2, 2024
Aug 23, 2024
Phase 1, self-paced

Week 1

About COREangels

Week 2

Your COREangels Fund

Week 3

Feedback Session

Phase 2, weekly meetings with COREangels team

Week 4

Attracting first angels for your fund

Week 5

Communication and first commitments

Week 6

First investment committee definitions

Week 7

IC invitations and lead generation

Week 8

Get ready to incorporate your fund

Week 9

Review Angels & Startups coming to IC

Week 10

Pre Investment Committee

Week 11

Post Investment Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I start the Angel Fund Launchpad program alone?

No. You will need to have a trusted partner joining the program with you. Every COREangels fund has 2 or 3 leaders who split the tasks of managing their fund.

Usually, each fund leader is either an angel leader (responsible for onboarding and managing the relationship with angels) or a startup leader (responsible for deal flow and relationship management with startups).

Although we use this naming and role distribution, several arrangements are possible, according to the leaders profiles and background. This way, guarantee that the roles and responsibilities are carried out, no matter how you decide to distribute them.

How will the relationship between COREangels International and my angel fund be?

Your angel fund will be an independent entity signing a Licensing Agreement with COREangels International. This document is signed by the angel fund, COREangels International and the leaders of the angel fund. It establishes the rights and obligations of the parts, the support provided by COREangels International, the standards that need to be followed by the angel fund and the related fees.

How is COREangels International compensated?

COREangels International receives 2.5% of the money invested by angels as a licensing fee and 5% of the distributed gains as success fee.

I have been investing in startups for a while, do I still need to take the program?

Yes. The experience with startup investing is very important, but the program intends to help you become a leader of your own fund. You will be challenged to plan, structure and define all that is needed to put your fund up and running. Also, in the program you will learn about the aspects of the COREangels model, simulating different scenarios and structuring your first Investment Committee.

What kind of legal content can I expect during Angel Fund Launchpad program?

Besides the Licensing Agreement, disclosed in the first phase of the program, you will have access, during the second phase, to templates of the basic legal documents to set up your fund such as Shareholders Agreement, KYC forms, subscription forms, term sheets and investment contracts.

What kind of support in the marketing area can I expect during the program?

During the first phase of the program you will access content to help you reflect on your angel persona, their perceived investment value and start thinking of related marketing strategies.

In the second phase of the program, we will work together on marketing materials and to build a landing page for your first investment committee and related lead generation actions.

What kind of support in the financial area can I expect during the Angel Fund Launchpad program?

Other than the economics simulator that you will use in the first phase, there is also content to simulate the investors returns according to seniority. This will be also helpful when you are contacting potential angels to join the fund.  

What kind of support in the Sales area can I expect during AFL?

The second phase is completely hands-on and during this phase you will start the sales activities you will carry on until the portfolio is completed. You can count on our support to organize and promote webinars to generate leads and to answer questions from angels and founders.

What kind of support will I receive from COREangels International?

COREangels will provide support through different ways. As a leader you will access our digital library with defined processes, templates of documents, methodologies, videos. Our team will also be available to assist you with specific matters, marketing actions, connections with partners and suppliers, managing conflicts of interest, issues related to angels and founders. On top of that, being part of the COREangels community as a leader grants you access to our leaders meetings, training, industry reports and sharing investment opportunities.

How much is the program? Do I have to pay something?

Angel Fund Launchpad program costs each co-leader € 2000 in total. To start the program, you each pay € 500. Once you pass the second phase of the program, together you pay € 3000. Once you finish the program and you have created your angel fund, a € 20k (twenty thousand euros) setup fee will be paid by the fund, after the signature of the Licensing Agreement. The fund pays this fee, not the fund leaders individually.

How much time do I need to dedicate to the program?

We estimate that 20 hours per week (combining the hours of the co-leaders together) is enough to complete the program in 2 months.

How long does the AFL program take?

It really depends on the availability of the co-leaders and also the readiness of the fund (investment thesis formulated and somehow tested with potential angels, commitment from potential angels, startups on the radar, local laws etc). 

So usually it takes from 2 to 4 months to complete the program.

What compensation should I expect?

Co-leaders of the fund are compensated in two different moments. Whenever a business angel, invests in the fund, the leaders are entitled to receive an investment fee of 10%. When the angels receive their gains on exits, the leaders receive 15% of the distributed gains.

Who is bringing the angels to my fund?

One of the co-leaders. The angel leader (or any other leader who gets this responsibility) is responsible for bringing the angels to your fund.

Usually the first angels come from your friends and colleagues network. On top of that, COREangels is happy to help you attract new angels by partnering with you to design marketing campaigns to help you access new angel investors.

Who is bringing the startups to my fund?

One of the co-leaders. The startup leader plays this role, not only identifying the startups that fit in your fund’s thesis but also managing all the steps of the deal flow.

Will I have to invest in the fund I will lead?

Yes. In order to guarantee the skin in the game, highly valued by the investors, the co-leaders (or at least one of them) needs to invest in the fund.

How do I graduate from the program? Is there any milestone or exam?

There is no exam, but there are 2 important milestones.

The first one is a feedback session, where you give a presentation to COREangels International about the main aspects of your fund, including the investment thesis, the angel persona and market scenario.

The second one is the 1st Investment Committee. It will be the first time when you bring angel investors together to evaluate startups to invest in. This is an important moment to convert potential investors into angels of your fund and decide on the first startup of the portfolio. After this milestone, you are ready to finalize the paperwork with the angels and with COREangels International.

Apply for Angel Fund Launchpad

Discover the guided program that merges financial outcomes with angel involvement. Apply now to join the upcoming cohort.

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